Genre : Action, Shooter
Developer : Orisinal
Release Date : 2001
About :
It's a foggy day in the harbour, and the player is in control of a tall ship assigned the duty of protecting it from invaders. Unfortunately, today the issue is not freebooters or smugglers but bombardment from the sky -- and no typical payload rains down of lead or steel shells, but rather GIANT ROCKS as might have been hurled from a trebuchet. They tumble down without end, and the player tries to move the ship out from under them -- and to smash them to pieces with the ship's own cannon shot.
The game is played to achieve a high score -- the player can dodge the rocks indefinitely without accumulating any points, but it is only in directly engaging the stones that a score can be racked up. Furthermore, the ship's health bar (perhaps more akin to a "morale" bar, since one encounter with a falling rock totals the vessel) is deducted when a fired shot misses its target. When the bar reaches zero, the game ends.