Genre : Action, Arcade
Developer : Orisinal
Release Date : 2001
About :
Five stout men grasp at a thick cord for all their worth. When's the last time you saw a tug-of-war simulator? Holding on to the rope it turns out is the easy part; it's the rhinoceros at the other end that makes things tough.
Each of the five brawny fellows is trying their best against what are, let's face it, pretty insurmountable odds. Sooner or later, that rhino is going to go where it bloody well pleases. In the meantime, its captors each have a stamina gauge of sorts above their heads, represented as the dotted outline of a circle -- depicted with fewer dots as they wear down.
The player can refresh the men as needed by clicking on them, but against a contrary rhino the best they can ultimately hope for is to break a duration record (and set a new one for click-induced carpal tunnel syndrome!)