Game Industry Person of The Year
- Frida Dwi Iswantoro (CEO - Noobzilla)
- Kris Antoni (CEO - Toge Productions)
- Riris Marpaung (CEO - Gamechanger Studio)
Esports Person of The Year
- Andrian Pauline (CEO - RRQ)
- Kornet Emas (Revival Talent Management)
- Wijaya Nugroho (Garena Indonesia)
- Zuxxy Luxxy (Bigetron RA)
Indonesia Game of The Year
- Code Atma (Agate)
- Coffee Talk (Toge Productions)
- Dreadout 2 (Digital Happiness)
- Retrogade Arena (Freemergency)
- Rocky Rampage (Joyseed Gametribe)
Indie Game of The Year
- Action Time (Freemergency)
- Code Atma (Agate)
- DreadOut 2 (Digital Happiness)
- Pamali: Indonesian Folklore Horror (StoryTale Studios)
- Thousands Layered Edge (13th Studio)